Bukiet goździków
Here is a unique, stately bouquet of full carnations in subtle shades of pastel pink, peach, purple.
Harmonious transitions between the different colours give a unique charm and softness.
The photo shows the large variant (80 carnations), the medium bouquet will contain 60 carnations and the small bouquet 40 carnations.
Pictured is the medium variant.
The pictures are an illustration of the order. It is virtually impossible to reflect the proposal in the same way, due to the limited durability and availability of flowers. However, I assure you that I will do my best to show the nature of the order.
od 189,00 zł
Prepare the vase
- Keep in proportion to the bouquet. Wash the vase thoroughly with detergent. Pour in the distilled water, immerse about 1/3 of the stems (below the binding point in the bouquet)
Support your flowers with nutrients
- use a preparation dedicated to cut flowers.
Cut the ends of the stems at a 45-degree angle
- use a knife or secateurs, allowing the plants to better absorb water and nutrients.
Provide adequate space
- position flowers away from direct sunlight, heat source, draughts, proximity to fruit.
Change the water regularly
- Every day or every 2-3 days if a conditioner is used.
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